Thursday, October 31, 2019


The AWP 2020 event schedule is out! Please include our panels in your planning. See you in San Antonio!
Event Title: Translating the Untranslatable: A Reading of International Experimental Poetry with Helene CardonaJennifer Kwon Dobbs, Michele Gil-Montero, and Marc Vincenz, moderated by Larissa Shmailo
Scheduled Day: Thursday, 3/5/20
Scheduled Time: 09:00:AM–10:15:AM
Scheduled Room: Room 211, Henry B. González Convention Center, Meeting Room Level
Event Title: What Kind of Times Are These? Immigrant Poets and the New Politics of Resistance with Valzhyna MortAnna HalberstadtLarissa Shmailo, and Mariya Deykute, moderated by Olga Livshin.
Scheduled Day: Thursday, 3/5/20
Scheduled Time: 03:20:PM–04:35:PM
Scheduled Room: Room 214B, Henry B. González Convention Center, Meeting Room Level

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Dear friends:
A sad time as we say goodbye to two beloved Steves, steve dalachinsky and Steve Cannon. Vechnaia pamiat’, eternal memory for these remarkable poets, whose inspiration and support for my work was incalculable.
• I am reading my translations of Maria Galina on November 2 at the Tompkins Square Library, 331 E 10th St, New York at 2:00 pm, for the special Russia issue of The Café Review with editor Anna Halberstadt, Philip Nikolayev, Anton Yakovlev and others.
• My essay, “I Blame Louise Hay for Trump” is included in the anthology Sensitive Skin Selected Writings 2016-2018 edited by Bernard Meisler. Read it here:…/
• You can read the great Rain Taxi review by Jefferson Hansen of my new novel, Sly Bang, here:
• I am delighted to be on two panels for AWP20 in San Antonio next year. I will be moderating a reading of international experimental poetry, “Translating the Untranslatable,” with Hélène Cardona, Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Michele Gil-Montero, and Marc Vincenz; I’ll be a participant on “What Kind of Times Are These: Immigrant Poetry and the New Politics of Resistance” moderated by Olga Livshin, with Mariya Deykute, Anna Halberstadt, and Valzhyna Mort. Detailed outlines of these events are now available on the AWP website, so please check them out and include us in your AWP planning.
• If you missed it, read over 30 contemporary and historic voices in From Pushkin to Pussy Riot: Russian Political Poetry and Prose at in this timely anthology co-edited by Philip Nikolayev and me. Don’t leave the colluding to the Trumps and Putins!
Hope to see you all soon!

Saturday, October 19, 2019


It's out! The Sensitive Skin Anthology of writings 2016-2018 featuring the likes of Chavisa Woods, Bob Holman, the late great steve dalachinsky and yours truly plus a cast of thousands is here - my essay "I Blame Louise Hay for Trump" is included. Thanks to editor/publisher Bernard Meisler for assembling this fab work!

Monday, October 14, 2019


Read Meredith Sue Willis's great review of SLY BANG in Books for Readers #204!
And now for something completely different-- a new novel by Larissa Shmailo, continuing her themes that include feminism, female sexuality, power struggles, and a family that may have collaborated with the Nazis, but also suffered hugely themselves. She writes again about a powerful, debilitating combination of sex addiction and sexual abuse. This time she does it with a rollicking, often comic (and comic book style) fantasy/science fiction story.
Her main character is Nora, a psychologically damaged but uber-resilient hero who spends a lot of time in a coma, drugged, or otherwise disabled-- because the bad guys and the good guys are all and constantly aware of her power and trying to channel it, or kill it, for their own purposes..
The neat psycho-spiritual trip here is that Nora remains through all the abuse and danger and rising one more time to rejoin the battle--a deeply Christian character--that is, not that she particularly practices Christianity or even believes in God, but she is committed to forgiving and loving. Her special bailiwick is vicious serial killers like her sometimes charming. occasional savior Michael, whose idea of a special treat is sex with dead, young vaginas. But he is NOT, he insists, a pedophile. Michael is, like Nora, a multiple personality.
This novel, not surprisingly, has some of the quality of a fever dream, and one could imagine at any moment being awakened and told it was, indeed, all a nightmare, but that is never the point. The point is the ride, the changes, the themes played and dropped and played again. It picks up momentum throughout, and the final section moves into even faster changes, ending with short dispatches from an action packed summary, with more flips and twists. Nora triumphs in the end, offering us a poem in which she entertains Satan himself.
Larissa Shmailo’s Sly Bang is a futuristic hallucinogen of a novel that pervades your consciousness. Our heroine Nora could be the love child of Barbarella and Hunter S. Thompson if she grew up to be a telepathic FBI agent. Her story will make you wonder if all wars are truly fought on the battle....

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Guggenheim Fellowship - Moved Up in the Competition!

The Guggenheim Fellowship has requested work samples - I am moved up in the competition! Wish me luck on my dream project!

Thursday, October 03, 2019


I am delighted to be featured on the radio this Saturday with Mary Pinkoski and Leighton Watts on
Saturday 12 PM EST, 10 AM Mountain Time
Thanks to host and producer Blaine Greenwood!

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