Saturday, April 20, 2019

Vladimir Nabokov and My Mother

Yes, Vladimir Nabokov is a great prose stylist, and an interesting, if pedantic, critic. And I skipped both sleep and work to read Lolita. But he averred that the "only" worthy Russian emigration was that of the post-1917 revolutionary aristocrats; he disparaged the post WWII emigration of my family, who suffered persecution by both Stalin and Hitler, and subsequent waves in the later 20th century. He claimed not to miss his privilege or wealth, but only his childhood - one served by 50 servants, whom he said stole from him, whereas the class truth is that the Nabokovs stole land, water, labor, and time from them. And he famously disliked Dostoevsky, in part because his forbear ran the prison where the writer was kept "and generously lent him books." Is it surprising that I now find too many adjectives and a precious vocabulary in his prose? And that ADA is a bit of a mess? Don't blame me, friends - this guy dissed my Mama!

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