Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Khashoggi, M,B.S., and Trump's Complicity in Murder

As a member of PEN, I have a special animus against those who would harm journalists. One of ours - yes, with that foreign, Muslim name, Jamal Khashoggi - but one of ours, a Washington Post op-ed writer, a permanent resident of the US - has been tortured, brutally murdered, and (nightmarish) dismembered for criticizing Saudi strongman Mohammed bin Salman's repressive regime, a regime that flows millions every day into our president's coffers. Trump repays the Saudis by complicity in the cover-up of this crime. Don't let this stand: Demand sanctions under the Magnitsky Act from your representatives. First the journalists and dissidents, the Muslims, the people of color . . how many steps before it finally reaches you?

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