Monday, January 30, 2017

Poems accepted for publication in RESIST MUCH / OBEY LITTLE: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance

Pleased that  my two poems, "Whorl's Eyelet Captured" and "Lager NYC" have been accepted for publication in Spuyten Duyvil's RESIST MUCH / OBEY LITTLE: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance. Here's "Whorl's":

Whorl’s Eyelet Captured
(Fibonacci Sequence Syllabic: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89)
The number of syllables in the verses correspond to the Fibonacci number in the sequence. All words in the poem are made up from the letters of the title (except one).  



you howl. . .

are holy . . .

you heal, are heard: hear: 

Whose pure eyes tear, red arcs wetted?

Whose heresy elects? Who will select? You, petted

Howl! Whose trolls rap westerly trochees? You are scared, secretly care, are hard (how? ow!), healed.

Wholly here! Whose loyal laps are spared hotly? You allot acutely, adeptly. React: you are a royal red crypt. Holy, haloed, sealed?

How! Who? OURS! YOURS! Adulterers captured, whorl’s eyelet pastured!
Decelerate! Whore’s eye red, pour the tears. Educate (traduce). Clatter or rapture, pastures or captures, whose red caps cater, a parted sea? The alehouse is here, heeled.

How, who? A red letter! The Dane utters WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS, or a puree, wetted, a treacle, a pact of red tears; they sear. Reduce (reeducate) your epaulets. Creep toward the words, curate the words, cure the words. Create heresy, push the crypts down. The tears of portly predators are sad, selected pees—ah, there is a who: you, a nascent howl, or two, healed.

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