Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Metric Action in the Free Verse of Bob Holman Mentioned on Best American Poetry Blog!

So pleased to have my article, "Metric Action in the Free Verse of (Bowery Bob) Bob Holman," mentioned on the Best American Poetry blog! The mention appears in the announcement is for John Tranter's new Journal of Poetics Research. Thanks to Annie Finch for the prosodic theory and tutelage, and John Tranter for publishing me!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Thanks to Sovay for Victory over the Sun shout out

Thanks to Sovay for the shout out on Live Journal for my translation of Victory over the Sun and for the Červená Barva Press bookstore.

Date: 2016-10-19 17:12
Subject: Well what's to be done I'll go away askance into the 16th century through the quotes over here

Delightful surprise of the week: visiting the brick-and-mortar office of Červená Barva Press in the basement of the Somerville Armory and discovering that not only do they sell their own books, like the chapbook of Aleksei Kruchonykh's libretto for the Futurist opera Victory Over the Sun (1913, trans. Larissa Shmailo 1980/2014) I had originally contacted the publisher about, they are a really lovely tiny used book store. My mother left with Gene Stratton-Porter's The Harvester (1911), Inez Haynes Irwin's Maida's Little School (1926), and Frances Hodgson Burnett's Robin (1922), all first editions—jacketless, but in otherwise quite respectable condition; the first two are books from her childhood and the third neither of us had ever heard of, so fingers crossed it's not terrible. I walked out with Barbara Helfgott Hyett's In Evidence: Poems of the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps (1986) and the Signet paperback of Mickey Spillane's Kiss Me, Deadly (1952), which I did not buy solely for its cover, but you must admit it helps. I am enjoying Victory Over the Sun.

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